Mistletoe Heights Yard of the Month
November 2011: 2212 Mistletoe Blvd.
Congratulations to Claudia Camp and David Gunn at 2212 Mistletoe Blvd., recipients of the MHA November award for Yard of the Month.
After the drought and heat of the summer, this yard is bounding back with a variety of blooming flowers and plants. Outlined in river stones, the parking area between the street and sidewalk is covered with flashy orange cosmos, green potato vine, purple heart and Indian blanket flower with a Chinese pistache tree adding texture, fall color, and shade.
According to Claudia, their yard has been a project that has evolved through trial and error. They’ve been keeping it all organic and have been trying to choose mainly perennial plants that can manage the heat and have something blooming during each season. David has terraced the sloping portion of the front yard with natural gray stone edging and river stone (Mexican beach pebbles). This area has been a work in progress with plantings of flowers such as variegated irises, alyssum montana, pink zinnias, purple lantana, purple pincushion (scabiosa), Chinese fringe flower (loropetulum), black foot daisies, and more of the bright orange cosmos, with more to come.
Aggregate stone steps leading up to the center sidewalk are flanked by large pots at the top of the steps containing tropical hibiscus, purple nurembergia, and red verbena. Containers in various shades of blue holding white dianthus and Swiss chard line the top of the porch wall. Pink knock-out roses, purple potato vine, pink periwinkles, Texas Gold lantana, horehound and lavender add a variety of textures and colors to cover the flower bed in front of the porch. By the time this newsletter is distributed. large pink chrysanthenums should be blooming by the west side of the driveway.
Thanks go to Claudia and David for their continuing efforts to beautify their yard. For these efforts, they will be rewarded with a generous gift certificate provided by Calloway’s Nursery.